Christ's Church offers the opportunity for full interaction with God through the Sacraments given to us by Jesus, His Son.
Below is a summary list of Sacraments, along with a contact identified for your convenience. (All Contacts are listed in the Parish Directory.) Please contact the parish secretary for an appointment with a priest should you have further questions. Also, guide young people in your care to uplifting web resources, including the Teens and Youth page on this site.
Parents and caregivers: Youth have particular perspectives that may not always be clear. If you would like to discuss your child's faith life with a priest, or if your child would like to do so, please call the rectory office for an appointment.
The summary list below also provides links for further study and reflection. They are to a variety of websites, demonstrating the vast knowledge and study available in studying and reflecting upon the Sacraments.
The Sacraments
Links to Descriptions & Contacts
5500 13th Avenue ✝ Sacramento, California ✝ (916)-456-7206 ✝
©2012. All Hallows & Saint Peters Parish. All rights reserved