The buildings and grounds of the All Hallows Roman Catholic Community include two campuses, two churches (All Hallows and St. Peter), and two halls/gymnasia (Monsignor Corkell Parish Hall and the Cristo Rey High School Gymnasium).
The churches are reserved for parish liturgical (such as administration of the Sacraments) or non-liturgical apostolate use (such as school pageants or Concerts).
In scheduling a liturgical event (such as a wedding or funeral) at All Hallows or St. Peter Churches, you are required to use parish musicians. Service fees vary depending on the number and type of instruments. Musicians are drawn from our Parish Music Department. For a full statement of the Parish policy regarding the use of musicians, please contact Lynda Struebing, .
Facilities Rentals
The halls/gymnasia can be rented by the public.
For more information on renting All Hallows' Monsignor Corkell Hall or Cristo Rey Gymnasium, please contact Parish Secretary Irma Corral using the form below or telephone 916 456 7206. The facilities are customarily rented for wedding receptions, Quinceñeras, civic groups, and other events not in conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church, and subject to rules and regulations regarding the consumption of alcohol. The parish reserves the right to impose such other restrictions and guidelines as are just and proper.
Buildings & Grounds
Facilities Rentals Form
5500 13th Avenue ✝ Sacramento, California ✝ (916)-456-7206 ✝
©2012. All Hallows & Saint Peters Parish. All rights reserved