All Hallows & Saint Peter's Parish
All Hallows Church, St. Peter Church (a mission of All Hallows Church), and Cristo Rey High School
City of the Blessed Sacrament, California - Ciudad de Santissimo Sacramento, California
Catholic prayers, below
Teen saints of the church, below
Great youth links, below
Suggestions, below
Messages from a Teen Philosopher
"The world is full of hearing what I have to do (Church, parents, school, friends, music) and what I shouldn't do (Church, parents, school, friends, music)."
"Wait a minute. That's the same list. And I know that some of the things I hear from the Church are not the same things I hear in my music. (Wait, do I really even HEAR my music?) And I also know that some of the things I hear from my friends are not the same things my parents say, or even want me to do. And going to Mass isn't always a help because I really don't understand what I hear and see."
"Wow. Confusing."
"I know. I'll take the easy path. My friends know best. And the music I listen to must be good because the people who make it are so rich. My parents don't really get all this, and I don't know what the Church is talking about most of the time so I'll go with the message I know: my music, my friends. They know best."
[Conscience says: "Oh-oh. Stop. Reflect."]
"Well, this is the way kids think, isn't it? It may not unfold in your minds exactly like this, but it's a pretty good take on why you end up in places or doing things that are not all that good. Somewhere in your heart and mind, you know that to pray is good, but how to do that? You also know that ads you see on TV or in magazines are really not interested in you - they're interested in SELLING to you."
"Prayer is not about the money. It's about you relating to God. But the noise in our world sometimes blots out what we hear from God. And we fall out of the habit of listening for God. We can't hear Him over our music. Headphones on, we really don't even THINK of praying. And our friends never talk about Him either, so they're no help."
Is God there for me?
Is He listening?
How do I speak to Him?
When do I speak to Him?
What do I say?
Growing up is tough! That's for sure! Many of us feel all grown up one day and like a little kid the next. We find ourselves getting angry very quickly. Sometimes we completely lose it and hurt those closest to us. We can become preoccupied with how we look, who are friends are. We feel feelings we haven't felt before.
"Well, this is the way kids think, isn't it? It may not unfold in your minds exactly like this, but it's a pretty good take on why you end up in places or doing things that are not all that good. Somewhere in your heart and mind, you know that to pray is good, but how to do that? You also know that ads you see on TV or in magazines are really not interested in you - they're interested in SELLING to you." Prayer is not about the money. It's about you relating to God. But the noise in our world sometimes blots out what we hear from God. And we fall out of the habit of listening for God. We can't hear Him over our music. Headphones on, we really don't even THINK of praying. And our friends never talk about Him either, so they're no help."
Fr. Pat Umberger continues this thought [from]:
"Although we care a great deal about our families, our friends are important, too. Although we love our parents, we find ourselves moving away from them at times. Although we'd like to share what's going on in our lives with our parents, that's hard. Sometimes we work up the courage to do just that. And it doesn't work out. We find ourselves becoming frustrated. They're frustrated, too."
We want to be a good friend. We want to be a man or woman of integrity, a man or woman of God. Yet it's so easy to compromise our values just to fit in. We might find it to be honest, with ourselves and with others. We don't like it when others are picked on. Yet it's so hard to stand up for what is right. When we have the chance, we can easily crumble.
"The good news ... God cares. He knows all about us and loves us beyond belief. He has more patience with us than we have with ourselves. He not only calls us to be men and women of God, but gives us the strength and the courage we'll need in order to do just that. The Church is there for you, too. I hope you're spending time each day in prayer. I hope you know God's presence all around you and within you. I hope you're staying in touch with your Parish, and going to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. If not, that could be a great place to start. God knew you before you were conceived. He loved you then. He loves you now."
"I hope you find these links helpful. At least they can be a starting point. Some of you will be called to priesthood or religious life. I hope you're open to God's call, wherever it leads. Things always work out best when we follow God's call."
"God cares! God made us and he loves us, through all the stages of life. Adults try hard to set a good example for you to follow. You need to set a good example too, especially to your little brothers, sisters and cousins. You can ask yourself the question, "If my brother, sister or cousin believed what I said about them, how would they feel?" Kids can say they're sorry, too. Please keep me in your prayers. Pray for your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. If you've got a prayer left over, pray for your pastor, too."
"May you never forget how important it is to spend time with your family. May you always know love ... the love of God, the love of the Church, the love of your family. Enjoy!"What would you like to see on this page? Some links? Here is one, and another, and another and yet another.
And now, help make this page amazing. . .
Suggestions? E-mail .
And prayers? Do we Catholics EVER have prayers! Consider these special gifts - from God to you, where you can speak to Him through prayers people say today, and said a couple of hundred years ago, and a couple of hundred years before that. So, try a prayer.
A special saint for youth? Yes! Just when you think that your life is a big challenge and nothing's quite right today, tomorrow, or whenever, you can remind yourself of those special people we call saints, some very young - unusual people picked by God to be His messenger in strange and special ways.
St. Bernadette. Age: 14. The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her and asked her assistance in spreading the word of God's love.
St. Maria Goretti. Age 12. She forgave her vicious attacker, who converted to a life of prayer and meditation.
St. Therese of Lisieux. Age 24. Completely wanted to be a Sister, and worked throughout her teens to become one - including trying to see the Pope and actually getting a meeting with the Bishop!
St. Dominic Savio. Age 14. Lived a simple life of happiness through prayer. These words from a 14-year old? Yes: “You ought to know that here [in church] we find holiness through being very happy! We try to avoid sin, which robs us of God’s grace and our peace of mind, and we carry out our duties as well as we can.”
These were very special people, and did amazing things. But everybody has within him or her the amazing. Maybe not "big" amazing, but small things that when added-up, say: "This person is a special person." Try a simple prayer. Make a quick visit to a quiet church. Surprise yourself on the peace you'll find!
You are . . . made in God's image.
You are . . . always on His mind.
Other links:
Project Rachel Counseling and reconciliation for abortion-related experiences.
Disciples Now! The place for Catholic Teens on the web.
Youth Apostles Online. Living your faith in a new millenium.
Seven Habits of Highly Effective Dating.