Altar Society
Prayer Submission Form
Mission Statement, History, Volunteer Opportunities, and Contact Information
Let us reach out toward uniting our endeavors.
The All Hallows Altar Society is one of the founding organizations of the parish, dating back to the early 1940s. Through the years, the Altar Society's works have become enshrined in our parish culture - from the beloved Christmas Bazaar, to the "bakeless" Bake Sales, to our central work, that of providing vital care to our Church's worship space. [For further information on the history of the Altar Society in the Parish, see the History page.]
It takes committed people - men and women - to accomplish our great goal. Hence, our mission statement: "ONE IN SPIRIT AND ONE IN COMMON WORKS.” We seek to reach out collectively in service, united in our endeavors.
•work to create a worship environment in harmony with current feasts
•ensure that the church is appropriately decorated for liturgical celebrations, particularly Christmas and Easter
•dust, prepare and wash the altar linens
•prepare and wash the Altar Server albs
•maintain priests' vestments
•care for sacred vessels
•care for various sacramentals, such as the baptismal and holy water fonts
•ensure the "orderliness" of the Church interior.
Welcome to the All Hallows Altar Society!
5500 13th Avenue ✝ Sacramento, California ✝ (916)-456-7206 ✝
©2012. All Hallows & Saint Peters Parish. All rights reserved