Today, the secular world often seems in direct conflict with Christian spiritual values. But this is actually the ages-old story of humankind's relationship with God. As a contemporary culture, we see a variety of cultural challenges to our spirituality. But it has always been so. The Old Testament Jews - God's own Chosen People - often found their earthly values in conflict with God's commands. Later, St. Peter himself forsook Jesus, fearful of a mob. Medieval kings and even popes - in the name of the Church no less - often fought petty temporal battles about land, money and governance. Today, we too must face off with the greedy, the covetous and the otherwise unjust. Faith Formation Programs are an informative and enriching response. Those new to the faith, exploring their faith, or otherwise seeking to broaden their relationship with God through Christ, are all candidates for any of a variety of programs offered by the All Hallows Community.
Though we as Community understand and acknowledge the importance of English to the cohesion of our community and nation, we likewise understand that many of our brothers and sisters do not speak English, and it is for them that we direct programming in their native languages of Spanish and Hmong. We also embrace a new "tradition" in our Community: assigning statuary and grottos their names in Latin - the traditional liturgical language of the Church, and the official language of The Vatican.
The secular world often seems in direct conflict with Christian spiritual values. But this is actually the ages-old story of humankind's relationship with God. As a contemporary culture, we see a variety of cultural challenges to our spirituality. But it has always been so. The Old Testament Jews - God's own Chosen People - often found their earthly values in conflict with God's commands. Later, St. Peter himself forsook Jesus, fearful of a mob. Medieval kings and even popes - in the name of the Church no less - often fought petty temporal battles about land, money and governance. Today, we too must face off with the greedy, the covetous and the otherwise unjust. Faith Formation Programs are an informative and enriching response. Those new to the faith, exploring their faith, or otherwise seeking to broaden their relationship with God through Christ, are all candidates for any of a variety of programs offered by the All Hallows Community.
The Children's Religious Education Program at Saint Peter and All Hallows Parish provides instruction for children, ages 5 - 13 years, who are preparing to receive the Sacraments of First Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. These classes are offered in English and Spanish
The Rite of Christian Initiantion for Adults Program at Saint Peter and All Hallows Parish provides instruction for adults who have found a there calling to the Catholic church and are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The Rite of Christian Initiantion for Teens Program at Saint Peter and All Hallows Parish provides instruction for young adults who have found a there calling to the Catholic church and are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church.