"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."(Matthew 19:14)
Every First Sunday at the 10:30 a.m. Mass, a special Liturgy of the Word program is available for elementery school age children. Children are invited to leave the main sanctuary after the opening prayer and are escorted by a Faith Formation teacher to the Parish School, where they hear the Scripture readings and explanations with child friendly teachings. Children return to their families for communion. This program provides children with age appropriate explanations of the Sunday readings
If you are interested hearing more about this program or would like to volunteer, please contact:
Cathy Kelly, Child Faith Formation - EnglishFaith First - An excellent website for teachers, families and parish members looking for spiritual readings and lessons to help deepen their faith. Information is organized in an easy, age appropriate manner and includes materials appropriate for all ages, from children and adults.