All Hallows Church, built in 1960, was constructed with a formal campanile, one of the tallest such towers in Sacramento. Bells, however, were not installed. In an incident humorous in retrospect, then-pastor Reverend Cornelius O'Connor came into possession of a large, brass locomotive bell, donated to All Hallows by a Southern Pacific Railroad retiree. Then-Bishop Alden J. Bell, learning of this, declared that a locomotive bell was absolutely not to be installed at All Hallows, and that a proper church bell should be obtained instead. Father O'Connor, notably stubborn, refused to obtain a new bell and declared instead that All Hallows shall have no bells.
That declaration was made in 1963. Not until 2007 was this corrected. A chime system was installed, and bells sounded from the All Hallows bell tower for the first time.
In 2008, the system already required repair, and was removed from service. They were returned to service over Easter weekend, April 11 and 12, 2009, fully refurbished and with a brighter, crisper sound.
We hope you enjoy the "Bells of All Hallows." For more information on the history of bells in the Churches of western civilization, see below.
A note to All Hallows' neighbors: See below for full bell schedule, opportunity for comments and questions via e-mail, and information on what's new for this Christmas 2009.
Chimes & Bells
Hour Chime
The Story
Our bell system is in constant need of repair and upkeep. Please click bellow to donate.
This is an old version of our Parish Website, none of the information found here should be seen as accurate. Please visit our current website.
5500 13th Avenue ✝ Sacramento, California ✝ (916)-456-7206 ✝
©2012. All Hallows & Saint Peters Parish. All rights reserved